Wednesday 24 February 2021

Year-2 tasks (done)

YEAR-2 activities


þ  reflect on sports-related issues during collaborative workshops (ethics, handicap,)

þ  create posters with slogans or drawings related to sports-related issues

þ  reflect on sports-related issues during collaborative workshops (equal opportunity, gender equality)

þ  create posters with slogans or drawings related to sports-related issues

þ  identify and send to their partners information about their notable traditional national sports, famous sportsmen, sports warm-up techniques

þ  compare results from the information sent

þ  send their partners the results of the questionnaire on sports

þ  study the origins of sports (e.g. Olympics, football, rugby, tennis, ...)

þ  write articles about Year -2 project activities to inform local newspapers, future visitors

þ  set up of exhibitions with photographs, videos,

þ  after the mobility, make videos for websites (Erasmus+ Results, Common Website, School Websites, Face book page, YouTube)

þ  after the mobility, write feedbacks and testimonials about their mobility.

þ  after the mobility, prepare a presentation (slideshows, videos, testimonials) of their trip to Italy for a parents’ evening


C3 – During the third Learning Teaching Training activities meeting in Malta in November 2019, participating students will:

þ  present activities carried out by their school,

þ  develop orienteering during participation to cultural treasure hunts in cities, during visits of sports venues (stadium, arena, sports centres, sports competitions, sports companies, …),

þ  attend and participate to sports lessons at the host partner’s school

þ  conduct interviews (officials working in centres, companies or arenas visited)

þ  reflect on sports-related issues during collaborative workshops (violence, discrimination)

þ  create posters with slogans or drawings related to sports-related issues

þ  practice open-air sports activities together to improve confidence, coordination and achievement when practising water-related, bike-based, climbing-linked sports,

þ  write feedbacks: diaries (when visiting or travelling), testimonials



To replace the final Learning Teaching Training Activities meeting in Poland in March 2020, we organised online activities on the Twinspace. Students were expected to collaborate by:

þ  creating a cloud of word related the Sports and diversity

þ  sending the photo of an athlete to their counterpart and comment on the photo received

þ  expressing their opinion about physical diversity in sport and answering 2 questions



Malta has organised an online collaboration with France from Monday 2 to Friday 6 February 2021.

During this last minute-arranged e-working, students:

þ  filmed sport practices during the Covid-19 context for their counterpart to reproduce

þ  created videos showing students’ skills

þ  answered online quizzes,

þ  learnt about a cultural food dish, about healthy food basics and shared their healthy food habits and benefits of eating healthy food in videos,


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